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Dismissal - 4 prt. Horn Section Arr.

Price: $3.99



Dismissal - 4 prt. Horn Section Arr.

Portions of text ©1978 Lutheran Book of Worship, admin. Augsburg Fortress;
Music and other text from One Body, Alive! by Jay Beech, ©1994 Augsburg Fortress.
Used by permission: [Insert your license info here.]


This sending song from the One Body, Alive! liturgy encourages the congregation to Go in peace and serve the Lord. The call and response dialog with the funky rock energy of this song makes it a great closer for a communion service.


Four part horn section arrangement in PDF format transposed as follows:

Part 1
  • Bb - trumpet, clarinet, or soprano sax
  • Eb - alto sax
Part 2
  • Bb - trumpet, clarinet, or soprano sax
  • Eb - alto sax
  • Bb - tenor sax, Bb baritone
Part 3
  • Bb - trumpet, clarinet, or soprano sax
  • Eb - alto sax
  • Bb - tenor sax, Bb baritone
  • C - trombone
Part 3
  • Eb - bari sax
  • C - trombone
Also included is a reduction of all four parts that can be played on a keyboard.

*NOTE - This horn arrangement differs from the unison horn parts played on the recording.

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